Graduate Research School Available Projects The Environmental History of Northern Australia

The Environmental History of Northern Australia

Title of Project

The Environmental History of Northern Australia


Claire Brennan

College or Research Centre

College of Arts, Society & Education

Summary of Project

This is a broad category that encompasses examinations of the history of tropical Australia.  The environment of the north of the continent means that history has unfolded here differently from in southern Australia.  This category allows examination of history that is clearly environmentally engaged such as the history of agricultural development, the history of hunting of large game, and the history of environmental features such as the reef and rainforest.  In addition it includes history dependent on perceptions of the north such as the history of military development and the history of government rhetoric promoting development.

Key Words

Environmental History; Tropical Australia; Northern Australia; Australian History; Agricultural History; development; military

Would suit an applicant who

is interested in any aspect of the environmental history of northern Australia

Updated: 07 Apr 2020