ON Launch Camp

ON Launch Camp

This free research training program is open to teams with at least one member employed by a university, Publicly Funded Research Organisation (e.g. AIMS) or CSIRO.

ON’s 2-day taster program ‘Launch Camp’ is coming to Townsville in June

Teams should aim for a total size of 3-5 people – diverse skill sets are good!  This is a great way to learn a new approach to testing research ideas to see if you can take them from the lab out into the wider world to have impact. It’s also an opportunity to get a taste of what is involved if a team is interested in applying for this year’s 8-week part-time ON Prime program that will run in Townsville later in the year.

Closing date for applications has been extended to the 25th May.

http://oninnovation.com.au/en/Programs/Launchcamp - Please contact the Research Office for more information.

Contact: Research Services

Phone: (07) 478 15011
