LearnJCU LearnJCU Help Guides Submitting an assignment file

Upload a file to an online exam or assessment

Add files to an exam or assessment by accessing the text editor. In an exam this may take the form of an Essay Question but both Assignments and Tests have the ability to add additional content (usually found at the bottom):

Add Content

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Start by clicking Add Content

  2. Click on the paper clip icon in the text editor toolbar:

    Ultra Text Box

  3. Browse your file locations and select the file, click 'Open', rename it if you like, then click 'Save'

  4. Wait for your file to upload and double check your submission before clicking 'Submit' and ensuring that you click 'Submit' again in the pop-up box to confirm your submission.


Remember that a descriptive filename is important and can help your lecturer understand what is in the file.

Include your name and short description.