Reciprocal Borrowing

James Cook University Library is a participant of the ULANZ Borrowing Scheme for the provision of reciprocal borrowing privileges at participating institutions to James Cook University staff and some categories of students.

How to apply for reciprocal borrowing at other institutions

  • Apply directly to the library where you wish to borrow

  • There is no need to contact your own university library

  • You will need a photo ID as well as proof of current enrolment

  • Applications should be made in person unless the library has an online registration scheme

  • Host libraries retain the right to set local loan conditions, levels of access, and local fees

  • All membership is for the current year only. Borrowing privileges will expire on 28 February of the following year

Not a JCU student?

Staff and students enrolled at other universities participating in the ULANZ Borrowing Scheme can apply for ULANZ Borrowing Scheme Membership of the JCU libraries.