Work Health and Safety Smoke-free Campus

Smoke-free JCU Campus

smoke free campus banner.

All Staff, Students, members of JCU Council, Affiliates, Visitors, Tenants, Controlled Entities, Volunteers and Contractors who come on to a JCU campus will need to adhere to the Smoke-free Campus Policy. This also includes the general public walking through our campuses as well as all Student Accommodation.

Why smoke-free?

Our move to a smoke-free campus in 2018 was is part of a broader commitment by all Queensland universities and TAFE colleges to provide healthier smoke-free environments. This initiative emerged from the 2016 Queensland Parliamentary Committee inquiry into smoking* and tobacco use at universities, technical and further education facilities, and registered training organisations.

In Queensland, the State Government supported all public universities to implement smoke-free policies through its Smoke-free Higher Education and Training initiative. All Queensland universities became smoke-free from 1 July 2018.

JCU has a legal responsibility to provide a safe workplace and to protect staff, students and visitors from the serious health risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke. We recognise that our staff, students and visitors have a personal choice to smoke, but we recognise the right for staff and students who do not smoke to work and study in an environment free from second-hand smoke.

Where you can smoke

JCU's Smoke-free Campus Policy will be amended to indicate smoking and vaping are prohibited at all JCU premises. This includes all JCU buildings, grounds, carparks and vehicles (including private vehicles on JCU grounds).

JCU Unibar is now also a smoke-free venue.

If you wish to smoke, you will need to go off-campus, beyond the campus boundaries.

JCU Cairns, Nguma-bada campus, Smithfield boundary map (PDF, 2111 KB)

JCU Townsville, Bebegu Yumba campus Douglas boundary map (PDF, 2142 KB)

When choosing a location off-campus to smoke, please consider neighbours and the environment, and dispose of cigarette butts appropriately. We recommend you choose an area that is not remote, is safe, and well lit at night.

Please note, smoking is not permitted within the adjoining Townsville University Hospital and medical services precinct.

Further information

Smoking is the inhalation and exhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco, herbs or drugs.

Under the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 (Tobacco Act), electronic cigarettes are defined as smoking products. Electronic cigarettes include e-cigarettes, e-cigars, vapour pens, and personal vapourisers or other similar devices.

JCU Smoke-free Policy therefore also includes the use of electronic cigarettes and vaping.

Quitting smoking isn't easy, but with the right tools and support, quitting smoking is possible and can be one of the most life-changing decisions a person can make.

Smokers can access free support and resources by contacting Quitline on 13 QUIT (13 78 48).

JCU adopts an educative approach to compliance with the Smoke-free Campus Policy.  Any staff, student, contractor or visitor who smokes on a JCU campus may be approached by staff, students or campus security and reminded about our Smoke-free Policy. The success of this approach will depend on the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of smokers and non-smokers.

We believe that implementing this policy is everyone's responsibility and all students and staff have the opportunity to be a part of a positive culture change.

Students and staff are encouraged to have respectful conversations with smokers about the policy to help JCU remain smoke-free.  Staff and students should report any smoking 'hot-spots' to JCU Security.


To provide feedback on your experience with the policy change, the impact on your surrounding environment, or to ask questions or raise concerns, please contact