Higher Doctorate Degrees

Information valid for students commencing in 2017.

1. The higher doctorate degrees listed in the schedule below are designed to give formal public recognition of career achievements which represent substantive, original and distinguished contributions to knowledge. Candidates for the Higher Doctorate are assessed on the basis of published work judged by national and international peers as an indication of the candidate’s authoritative standing in his/her field.

2. A candidate for these degrees shall be:

2.1 a graduate of this university of not less than seven years’ standing, of a bachelor, honours, research masters or doctoral degree which corresponds to the degrees listed in the schedule below; or

2.2 a graduate of another university, whose qualifications are deemed to be equivalent to those in Requirement 2.1 and who satisfies the Panel that he or she is justified in seeking the degree from this university rather than from another university. Such graduates will be expected to have had at least two years’ active involvement with scholarly research within this university.

3. Application for candidature shall normally be made in writing to the faculty and shall include particulars of his/her research achievements and of the work to be submitted for the degree.

4. The faculty shall appoint a Panel:

4.1 to review the application;

4.2 to recommend whether the applicant should be allowed to proceed to candidature; and

4.4 to oversee the external examination process.

5. The expert Panel will include at least three nominees of appropriate standing from the discipline of the application, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty, the Dean, Graduate Research Studies and the Chair, Academic Board. In reviewing the application, the Panel shall recommend to the Faculty:

5.1 the applicant be allowed to proceed, and approve the subject or subjects of the work to be submitted; or

5.2 the applicant be not allowed to proceed, and the applicant be advised of the Panel’s decision.

6. If the faculty approves the subject or subjects of the work and the candidate proceeds with the submission, the Panel shall nominate three external examiners, including at least one international examiner, of appropriate standing.

7. To qualify for the degree, the candidate shall provide satisfactory evidence that he/she has made an original contribution of distinguished merit adding to the knowledge or understanding of his/her discipline.

8. The candidate in submitting published works shall state generally in a preface and specifically in notes the main sources from which the information is derived and the extent to which the candidate has made use of the work of others, especially where joint publications are concerned. The candidate may also signify in general terms the portions of the work claimed as original. Any part of the work submitted for a degree in this or any other university shall not be accepted.

9. The candidate shall lodge with the Graduate Research School, four copies of the work for examination. If the work is accepted for the degree, one copy will be transmitted to the University Library.

10. The Panel appointed by the Faculty will consider the examiners’ reports and make recommendations to the faculty and the Academic Board concerning the award of the degree.

11. A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements shall be recommended for the award of the appropriate higher doctorate degree.


Higher Doctorate


Doctor of Business

Tropical Environments and Societies

Doctor of Commerce

Tropical Environments and Societies

Doctor of Economics

Tropical Environments and Societies

Doctor of Educational Studies

Tropical Environments and Societies

Doctor of Engineering

Tropical Environments and Societies

Doctor of Laws

Tropical Environments and Societies

Doctor of Letters

Tropical Environments and Societies

Doctor of Medicine

Tropical Health and Medicine

Doctor of Science

Tropical Environments and Societies