Policy Academic Governance Posthumous Award Procedure

Posthumous Award Procedure

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This Procedure has been established to enable James Cook University (JCU; the University) to bestow an Award of the University where a student or HDR candidate has died while admitted to a course at the University or after successful completion of a course where the Award had not yet been conferred.

This Procedure addresses Higher Education Standards Framework Standards 1.5.1 to 1.5.8.


This Procedure applies to all students of James Cook University (JCU; the University) including JCU Singapore and JCU Brisbane admitted to a course or an HDR candidate at the time of death, or who had passed the requirements of their course but not had the Award conferred prior to their death.


The definitions used in this Procedure are found in the Policy Glossary.


The decision to bestow a Posthumous Award, or an Award posthumously, should take into account the wishes of the immediate family. At all times interactions with the family must be undertaken sensitively and with discretion, avoiding the possibility of giving the family unreasonable or incorrect expectations as to the eventual outcome.

The number of University staff contacting the family must be kept to a minimum and such contact should be coordinated through the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academy or, for HDR candidates, the Dean, Graduate Research.


1. Coursework Awards

1.1 A student who has completed all requirements of their course, will have their award posthumously conferred by Council under the Coursework Award Finalisation, Conferral and Issuance Procedure.

1.2 Requests for consideration of a Posthumous Award (coursework) where the student has not completed all requirements of their course may be made to the Deputy Vice Chancellor (DVC), Academy.

1.3 The request may be received from the student’s immediate family, the Course Coordinator, the relevant College Dean or the Director, Academic Program Quality.

1.4 The DVC Academy must consult with the Director, Student Services and the relevant College Dean or Director, Academic Program Quality to confirm that the criteria, as outlined in Clause 3 of the Award Finalisation and Graduation Policy, have been met.

1.5 The DVC Academy will provide the recommendation to the Chair of Academic Board who will:

1.5.1.approve the posthumous award of the course in which the student was admitted; or

1.5.2.approve an alternate posthumous award.

1.6 The Chair of Academic Board will notify the Examinations and Graduations Office who will facilitate the awarding of the Posthumous Award (coursework) outlined in Clause 3.

1.7 The Chair of Academic Board shall notify the Academic Board of all Posthumous Awards or Awards (coursework) conferred posthumously at its next meeting.

2. Higher Degree by Research Awards

2.1 Requests for a Posthumous Award (higher degree by research) must be made to the Dean, Graduate Research.

2.2 The requests must be received from the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidate’s immediate family, the relevant College Dean or the candidate’s Primary Advisor.

2.3 The Dean, Graduate Research will confirm to the DVC Academy that the criteria, as outlined in Clause 3 of the Award Finalisation and Graduation Policy, have been met.

2.4 The DVC Academy will provide the recommendation to the Chair of Academic Board who will:

2.4.1 approve and confer the posthumous award of the course in which the student was admitted; or

2.4.2 approve and confer an alternate posthumous award.

2.5 The Chair of the Academic Board shall notify the Academic Board of all Posthumous Awards or Awards (higher degree by research) conferred posthumously at its next meeting.

3. Collection of a Posthumous Award or an award conferred posthumously

3.1 After conferral by University Council, the Award can be provided to the family by the following means:

3.1.1 the Testamur is posted directly to the family or made available for collection from the Student Centre; or

3.1.2 a family member may represent the deceased student at a graduation ceremony to receive the Testamur; or

3.1.3 a University representative presents the Testamur to a family member in a private ceremony.

3.2 The records will indicate that the Award was conferred posthumously. The decision as to the method of collection of the Award will be made at the sole discretion of the family.

Related policy instruments

Award Finalisation and Graduation Policy

Coursework Award Finalisation, Conferral and Issuance Procedure




NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainStudent Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval AuthorityAcademic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



24-115/04/202401/05/2024Major review - relocation of rules to policy.Manager, Examinations and Graduation




Minor amendment to timing of conferral of award in conjunction with the establishment of the Award Finalisation and Graduation Policy

Manager, Student Finance & Examinations




Minor amendment to reflect organisational structure.

Quality, Standards and Policy Officer




Procedure established

Contact: Chair Academic Board