Policy University Management FMPM 600 - FMPM 699 - Revenue FMPM 610 Fees and External Charges (Excluding Commercial and Real Property)

FMPM 610 Fees and External Charges (Excluding Commercial and Real Property)

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To set out the requirements regarding the approval of fees and external charges.



Responsibility of

Approval of:

  • student tuition fees;
  • student fees and charges; and
  • student penalties.

Vice Chancellor

Approval of other fees and charges (non-student related).

Member of the Senior Executive

Approval of financial penalties (non-student related).

Member of the Senior Executive



Senior Executive



  • The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for approving student tuition fees and any other fees, charges and penalties relating to students, including the amount, the time and mode of payment of such fees and charges.

  • Any higher education charges must be in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

  • Fees and charges levied by the University for the provision of goods or services to external parties for non-student related transactions must:

    • Be approved by a member of the Senior Executive;

    • not contravene the requirements of any Act (e.g. fees with respect to parking on University property must be in accordance with the James Cook University Act 1997);

    • be at a rate to encourage rational economic choice in the use of goods and services and efficiency in the provision thereof;

    • apply where:

      • the goods or services are supplied for the benefit of a specified user or user group having the capacity to pay;

      • the user has discretion to accept or not accept the goods or services or has considerable discretion as to the quantum which may be accepted;

      • a close substitute of the goods or services is available from a non-government supplier; or

      • required by any Act or by any right in law.

    • where necessary and as the case requires be approved by, or recommended to, the appropriate Minister for prescription by Regulation under appropriate Acts; and

    • not be at a rate which competes unfairly with external suppliers by utilising any favourable attributes arising from the University's status as a publicly funded institution.

  • Penalties being levied by the University must be approved by a member of the Senior Executive

    • reasonably be expected to act as a deterrent to the action being penalized;

    • not be excessive relative to local community standards; and

    • must be in accordance with the James Cook University Act 1997 and other relevant legislation.

Related documents, legislation or JCU Statutes

James Cook University Act 1997 (refer sec 57, Schedule 1)

Higher Education Support Act 2003

For enquiries in relation to this FMPM Policy please contact AccountsReceivable@jcu.edu.au.


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

University Management

Policy Sub-domain


Policy Custodian

Chief Financial Officer

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Policy Sponsor and Approval Authority updated to reflect the approved Policy and Delegations Framework

Quality Standards and Policy Unit




Finance Committee (06/11)





Finance Committee



