Policy Corporate Governance Affiliation of a Residential College Policy

Affiliation of a Residential College Policy

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To specify the requirements which determine the formal relationship between specified Residential Colleges and the University.


All Residential Colleges listed in the Schedule shown below.


Residential College – those Residential Colleges affiliated with the University.


  1. The Residential Colleges set out in the Schedule of this policy shall be Residential Colleges of the University affiliated with it in the terms set out in this policy.
  2. Each Residential College shall use any premises acquired by it from the University only for the purpose of a Residential College and such other purposes as approved by the University Council.
  3. Each Residential College shall operate under a written constitution approved by the University Council, and its constitution shall not be amended without the consent of the University Council. The Residential College shall lodge with the University Secretary a copy of its constitution and of any amendment made thereto.
  4. There shall be provisions in the constitution of each Residential College that one member of the governing body of the Residential College shall be a person nominated by the University Council for a term nominated by the University Council.
  5. The constitution of each Residential College shall prescribe what persons may be admitted to residence in the Residential College.
  6. Each Residential College shall submit an Annual Report to the University Council through the University Council’s nominee on the College Council, where available.
  7. The University Council’s nominee on the College Council will make a report to the University Council on the operations of the Residential College each year.
  8. The University encourages Residential Colleges to manage their operations in accordance with the principles of sustainability.
  9. Use of University land shall be determined under a Nomination of Trusts or other terms of trust as approved by the University Council.

Schedules and Appendices

Saints Catholic College

The John Flynn College


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainCorporate Governance
Policy Sub-domainCouncil Matters

Policy Custodian

Vice Chancellor

Approval Authority


Date for next Major Review


Revision History

Version no.

Approval date

Implementation date






Policy reviewed and amended to clarify requirements for College Constitutions.

University Secretary




Converted to policy, reviewed and updated to include annual reporting requirements and sustainability reference.

Director, Governance Services and University Secretary




Minor amendment to Clause 1 to add, ‘set out in these Guidelines’.





Policy established as Guidelines for the Affiliation of a Residential College


Keywordsaffiliation, residential college, Saints Catholic College, John Flynn College
Contact personUniversity Secretary