Policy Corporate Governance Appendix 1 - Examples of Conflict of Interest Situations

Appendix 1 - Examples of Conflict of Interest Situations

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  • A conflict may arise in relation to the allocation of time, intellectual energy and professional commitment between University responsibilities and non-JCU activities.
  • Where a Council or Committee member has multiple official roles (such as being an officer of the University and serving as the director of a company including a company controlled by the University). In these situations, a person may use information obtained in exercising one role to the advantage or disadvantage of another organisation in an improper way.
  • A Council or Committee member is the director of a company that the University is bidding with or is bidding against for contract funds. The Council or Committee member may find it difficult to simultaneously meet their obligations as a director of a company and meet their obligations as a Council or Committee member to act in the best interests of the University at all times.
  • A Council or Committee member undertakes paid/unpaid outside work that impacts on their ability to fulfil their duties and obligations to the University.
  • A Council or Committee member tenders for and engages in consultancy work at the University.
  • A Council or Committee member holds an equity interest or executive position in a company that has a contractual arrangement with the University.
  • A Council or Committee member with decision-making powers in relation to a tender offered by the University accepts a gift or hospitality from a person associated with a company which is tendering the work from the University.
  • A Council or Committee member or a member of their immediate family has a direct or indirect financial interest, or hold a directorship, in a company or other entity which supplies, or is likely to supply, goods and/or services to the University, or which operates in competition with the University.
  • A Council or Committee member takes part in assessing a tender application where he/she has, or has had, a personal relationship with a person or organisation that has submitted a tender application.
  • A Council or Committee member with decision-making powers over the appointment of an individual is involved in the selection process in which a relative is an applicant.
  • A Council or Committee member employs a family member or close associate to undertake sessional academic work or casual administrative work periods without undertaking any merit based selection process or disclosing the relationship.
  • A Council or Committee member fails to declare a financial or private affiliation, partnership or engagement with a foreign government, political organisation, agency, university or individual which might impact on or influence their duties and obligations to the University.
  • A Council or Committee member uses information received as a member for personal purposes.
  • A Council or Committee member receives gifts, gratuities, loans or special favours (including trips or speakers fees) from vendors or companies with a relationship with the University.
  • A Council or Committee member holds equity, royalty or debt instrument interest, or their close associates, in an entity that provides financial support or other services, to the University.
  • A Council or Committee member or close associate holds an interest, including ownership, in any real or personal property leased or purchased by the University or adjacent to University land.