Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy
The purpose of this policy is to articulate the requirements associated with student fee payments, allocation, student refunds, financial penalties and cancellations.
This policy applies to fees and charges imposed on all JCU students including JCU Singapore (only where identified) and JCU Brisbane, in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth) (HESA), the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) (ESOS), National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 and the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006.
Except where otherwise indicated in this policy, the definitions used in this policy are found in the Policy Glossary.
Course - an approved Higher Education Award of the University, consisting of a combination of subjects the successful completion of which, together with any credit transfers in accordance with the relevant requirements, will fulfil the prescribed requirements for that particular award.
For the purpose of this policy, a course shall also include an approved Exchange program, Study Abroad program, English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) program or Foundation Program.
CRICOS - The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students is a register of Australian education institutions and courses for the provision of teaching to overseas students studying onshore in Australia on a student visa.
Exemption - where a Tuition Fee is fully waived and there is no financial liability for the student.
Incidental Fee - a fee paid by a student for costs incidental to a student’s studies at the University.
Internal Sponsorship - where an organisational unit (e.g., college) of the University funds all or part of a student’s Tuition Fees or Student Contributions.
OS-Help - a government loan scheme for students enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place who want to study some of their course overseas.
Payment Due Date - the date on which payment of Student Contributions, Tuition Fees and Student Services and Amenities Fees must be paid in full if a student is not eligible and has not submitted a valid application to defer the fee through a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP).
Student Contribution - the portion of the subject fee paid by a student when enrolled in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)
Student Services and Amenities (SSA) Fee - a fee paid by students to improve University support services and facilities to students both on and off campus.
Tuition Fees - the subject fee paid by students who are not Commonwealth supported. There are different tuition fees for domestic and international students.
- The University will comply with legislation and responsible financial management practices;
- Financial interests of both students and the University will be respected and, wherever possible, protected; and
- Student fee refunds will be conducted ethically, honestly and with fairness to all parties.
1. Fee charging
1.1 Student Contribution amounts, domestic and international Tuition Fees, SSA fees and Incidental fees are reviewed and approved annually by the Vice Chancellor in accordance with HESA.
1.2 Incidental Fees are only those prescribed under HESA and Chapter 7 of the Higher Education Provider Guidelines 2012.
1.3 All fees are published on the University website prior to the first enrolment for the calendar year.
1.4 Students incur a Student Contributions and/or Tuition Fee liability for all subjects in which they remain enrolled as at midnight (24:00AEST) on the Census Date of the relevant Study Period.
1.5 Unless exempt, students will incur a SSA Fee in accordance with the Student Services and Amenities Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure.
1.6 Students will incur an Incidental Fee in accordance with the Incidental Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure.
2. Payments and Refunds
2.1 The Director, Student Services will set a Payment Due date prior to the Census date for each study period, in accordance with HESA. The Payment Due Date must be published in the academic calendar.
2.2 Students are obliged to pay to the University, or if applicable ensure that payment is made to the University on their behalf, all fees and charges directly arising from their enrolment by the Payment Due Date.
2.3 Withdrawal from any subject(s) or course after the Census Date does not reduce the Student Contribution and/or Tuition Fee liability of the relevant subject unless withdrawal without financial penalty is approved.
2.4 Payment of student fees and charges will include either:
2.4.1 upfront payment;
2.4.2 where eligible, deferred payment through the arrangement of a Commonwealth Government Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) in accordance with HESA; or
2.4.3 an approved scholarship or sponsorship arrangement where applicable fees and charges are paid on the student's behalf, in accordance with the Internal Sponsorship and Exemption Procedure; or
2.4.4 an approved external sponsorship.
2.5 The University will consider a payment extension in respect to international tuition fees in accordance with the International Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure.
2.6 All refunds are paid to the student in Australian Dollars or approved currency.
2.7 Payments and fee reversals will be allocated in accordance with Schedule A: Student Payment and Fee Reversal Allocation.
2.8 The University will monitor financial transactions made to a student’s University account. Should the University deem that a suspicious financial transaction has occurred, the University will pass on information about the suspicious financial transaction (including the student’s name and financial institution details) to the Australian Transaction Reports & Analysis Centre in accordance with the Student Contract.
3. Non-payment of fees
3.1 Consequences of non-payment of fees and student contribution amounts will result in penalties applied in accordance with the FMPM 270-2 Accounts Receivable - Student Debtors - Penalties Policy and the procedures associated with this Policy.
3.2 The FMPM 270-2 Accounts Receivable - Student Debtors - Penalties Policy applies to any debt owed by the student to the University until that debt is paid in full.
4. Internal Sponsorships and Exemptions
4.1 In accordance with HESA, the University may apply an Exemption for Tuition Fees for international students in the following instances: research students who are recipients of competitive scholarships;
4.1.2.cotutelle research students; and
4.1.3.overseas students on exchange programs.
4.2 The University may elect to fund all or part of a Student Contributions or Tuition Fees through the approval of an Internal Sponsorship or Exemption.
4.3 Internal Sponsorships or Exemptions of fees will be managed in accordance with the Internal Sponsorship and Exemption Procedure.
4.4. Delegation to approve expenditure for Internal Sponsorships and Exemptions is in accordance with the Academic and Student Sub-delegations Register.
5.1 The number of OS-HELP loans available at the University and the maximum value are determined annually by the government department responsible for Higher Education in accordance with HESA.
5.2 The minimum OS-HELP loan amount offered by the University is $2,000.
5.3 OS-HELP loans will be administered in accordance with HESA and the OS-HELP Loan Procedure.
6. Review and Appeal
6.1 A student may request a review and appeal of a decision made under this policy and associated procedures under the Student Review and Appeal Policy.
Related policy instruments
Domestic Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure
International Tuition Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure
Internal Sponsorship and Exemption Procedure
Incidental Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure
Student Services and Amenities Fee Procedure
FMPM 270-2 Accounts Receivable - Student Debtors - Penalties Policy
Schedule A: Student Payment and Fee Reversal Allocation
Related documents and legislation
Academic and Student Delegations Register
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006
Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Commonwealth)
Higher Education Provider Guidelines
Higher Education Support Act 2003
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.
Approval Details
Policy Domain | Academic Governance |
Policy Sub-domain | Student Experience |
Policy Custodian | Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education |
Approval Authority | Academic Board |
Date for next Major Review | 01/01/2028 |
Revision History
Version | Approval date | Approval Authority | Implementation date | Details | Author |
22-1 | 09/12/2022 | Academic Board | 01/01/2023 | Movement of some definitions/clauses regarding business rules from procedures to Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy. Update to style/format/language for consistency across the Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy suite. | Manager, Student Finance and Scholarships |
19-1 | 29/04/2019 | Academic Board | 06/08/2019 | Policy established | Manager, Student Finance and Examinations |
Keywords | Payment, refund, loan, scholarship, sponsor, penalty, financial, finance, census, |
Contact person | Manager, Student Finance and Scholarships |