How to upload a YouTube clip

To submit a video you can upload to You Tube and create a link.

The video (link) can only be seen when you share the link.  Follow these instructions:

Step 1

Practice as many times as you want to so that you include all the content required.

Your content should explain:

  1. Why are you applying for the scholarship and how do you believe the scholarship will assist you?
  2. What do you believe are the key areas for building resilient regional and remote communities?
  3. How will you play a role in building resilient regional and remote communities following graduation?

The clip should be a maximum of 3 minutes in length.

Applications will not be assessed on the quality of your video - we are expecting footage to be shot on your mobile, tablet or laptop.

Step 2

Once you are happy with your clip, save it as an .MP4 file.

Open You Tube and Sign in or create an account if you don't already have one.

Step 3

Upload your video

  • You can either Upload video or Go live, we would recommend you practise first and save your video to upload.

YouTube upload menu

Step 4

Before you Select files to upload, make sure you choose the

Unlisted option - this is very Important this will ensure that only people who have the video's direct like can access it.

YouTube Video Upload Screen

You can either select your video from where it is saved, or you can just drag and drop your file as above.

Step 5

Once you have selected or dragged your video, you should see the upload screen:

YouTube upload screen

Step 6

  • Navigate to the Advanced settings tab
  • un-tick the sharing options to match the example below

YouTube advanced settings page

Step 7

Once your video has finished processing click the "Done" button

You will then see the following message:

Upload completed. Your video will be ready at  https:your video link *  make sure you keep this link.

You have successfully upload a (unlisted, private) Video to YouTube.


* Copy the YouTube video link into your QCoal online scholarship application