Juciliane Haidamak (Brazil)

1. What is your course/where are you from?

My course is a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Medical and Molecular Sciences. I am from Brazil and I am currently living in Brisbane in Queensland. I am an external student from JCU.

2. Why did you choose to study at James Cook University?

I selected JCU because I had an opportunity to receive a scholarship and my advisors are from JCU.

3. What has been the highlight of your study experience at James Cook University so far?

For me, a highlight has been all the workshops and seminars that JCU has been providing me throughout my Ph.D. studies.

4. What are your career goals?

My career goal is to have a job in the research area, maybe in academia or within the industry.

5. What piece of advice would you like to share with any international students considering James Cook University?

JCU is a prestigious university recognised internationally to provide high-quality education for your students. JCU also cares about the professional development of each student by providing a range of training. Additionally, the staff team are fantastic and offers students incredible support throughout their studies.