About PAHL

Our background

The PAHL group was formed at the University of Western Australia in 2012. The group has steadily grown over the last 12 years and now consists of numerous staff and research students who hold the same passion - to use social connection to promote physical and mental health in various populations. PAHL works closely with researchers, students, industry, government, the non-profit sector, and the media.

What we do

PAHL’s mission is to harness the 'power of people’ in promoting mental and physical health in people from all walks of life. To achieve this, we:

  • Conduct research that advances our understanding of a range of health issues
  • Develop, deliver, and evaluate community health promotion programs and interventions
  • Work to ensure that our programs are embedded long-term in communities

Among other things, our group works to help people change their mental health, resilience, confidence, motivation, health behavior, and wellbeing, and the group uses social connection and social support as change agents. Taking this approach, PAHL has helped people lose weight, improve their mental health, make better dietary choices, be more physically active, and feel less stressed at work and home. The group helps people from young children right through to the elderly, and works with government, industry, and non-profit partners to achieve its goals.

PAHL creates, delivers, and supports successful community programs across Australia. In terms of the group’s academic contribution, in the last 5 years alone, PAHL has been responsible for over 70 published research articles and book chapters, and has won numerous prestigious awards and grants.

PAHL values

PAHL is a values-driven group. Work within the group and alongside others is underpinned by the following values:

  • COMMUNITY - We value building inclusive, collaborative, and long-term relationships
  • RESPECT - We work with integrity and fairness, and with trust in others
  • IMPACT - Our work makes a positive difference to people's physical and mental health
  • CHALLENGE - We are willing to tackle difficult problems

Key PAHL members

Senior PAHL members (from left to right): Ben Jackson, James Dimmock and Brian Law