PAHL Helping your Community Program

Helping your Community Program or Research

See this short video for PAHL's orientation to community engagement

If you think PAHL might be able to assist you with your community health program, then please reach out over email or via our Contact Us page. You may, for instance, suspect that your program is achieving positive outcomes, but wish to utilise PAHL’s expertise to undertake a rigorous—and objective—evaluation. Alternatively, or in addition, you may wish to utilise PAHL’s expertise to review procedures or policies in your program, or promote your program through our networks. If the mission of your program fits the mission of the PAHL group (i.e., promoting good community health, especially involving the ‘power of people’), then we will endeavour to help you in whatever way we can. Below are some examples of health programs that we have assisted (in terms of evaluation, design, or input in some other way).

In addition to assisting others’ community health programs, the PAHL group welcomes collaborations with other researchers and research groups. Over the last five years alone, we have collaborated with researchers from both national (e.g., Deakin University, Monash University, Curtin University, George Institute for Global Health, Murdoch University, University of Southern Queensland, Edith Cowan University, University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales) and international (e.g., Dartmouth University, University of Montreal, Harvard University, University of California (Irvine), University of Texas, University of Utah, Creighton University, Mercer University, Penn State University, The University of British Columbia) institutions.

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Note: Please be aware that although we would like to help as many people/organisations as possible, we are sometimes strained for capacity and may not be able to assist you in the short-term. At these times, we will help you to find alternative options for your requirements.