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Advocating Change for Rwanda

With Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, Development and Liberation for All (DALFA)

Law Seminar Series - Judicial and Political Reform in Rwanda

Thursday 13th June, 3.00pm - 4.00pm
Where: This is an online event

Join us for an insightful presentation examining the cases of Ms. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza and Ms. Diane Rwigara, both notable for their involvement in Rwandan politics and subsequent legal proceedings. In 2010, Ms. Ingabire expressed her intention to run for the presidency, resulting in a 15-year prison sentence, while Ms. Rwigara faced a year-long trial after her 2017 candidacy. These cases highlight challenges surrounding political participation in Rwanda and raise questions about the judicial process and protection of political rights. With Ms. Ingabire seeking rehabilitation for the upcoming 2024 elections, the implications for Rwanda's political landscape are significant. This presentation will offer an analysis of these cases and discuss potential reforms to ensure fair political expression and participation. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insight into these important issues.

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About the Presenter

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Ms. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza is an advocate for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Rwanda. In 2010, she returned from exile in the Netherlands with the intention of registering her political party and running for the presidential elections later that year. However, she was arrested and subjected to a politically motivated judicial process, resulting in a 15-year prison sentence. In 2017, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights overturned her conviction, citing violations of her freedom of expression and right to adequate defense. Despite the court's ruling, the Rwandan government has not acknowledged it. After spending eight years in prison, including five years in solitary confinement, Ms. Ingabire Umuhoza was released under presidential pardon in 2018. However, she remains restricted in her rights, including the ability to freely leave and return to Rwanda, preventing her from reuniting with her family in the Netherlands. Ms. Ingabire Umuhoza continues to advocate for governance reforms and peace in the Great Lakes region through inclusive dialogue between the Rwandan government and its opponents.

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