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Keeping the Peace

With Mathai Joshi, Connolly Suthers Lawyers

Law Seminar Series - Criminal & Domestic Violence Law (incl DV Court)

Friday 21 June, 2.30pm - 3.30pm
Where: Bld 28, Room 004, JCU Townsville, Bebegu Yumba Campus, Douglas

Criminal Law is an everchanging and dynamic area of law which affects everyone and everything. It is incredibly important to understand the operation of how our Justice System works and how the balancing act of a defendant’s rights and access to Justice for the victim is maintained. In this seminar Mathai Joshi, Associate at Connelly Suthers Lawyers will discuss a broad summary of the Criminal Law in Queensland and the role of defence solicitors. Mathai will also briefly summarise some of the notable and significant changes to Criminal Law in Queensland, with a particular focus on the specialist DV Court; and on the changes to Coercive Control introduced in March 2024.

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About the Presenter

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Mathai Joshi is a Solicitor practicing in Townsville North Queensland. He has predominately practiced in Criminal Law, and regularly appears in all Courts and Tribunals throughout Queensland. Mathai also extensively practices in Domestic and Family Violence Law appearing in the specialist Domestic Violence Court. Throughout his early career, Mathai has represented a broad range of clients charged with numerous offences, ranging from Homicide (Murder and Manslaughter) offences, Sex-Offences including Historical sexual abuse offences, Serious Drug Offences, Traffic matters and complex Fraud and Money Laundering offences. Mathai is actively involved within the profession is currently a member of the Queensland Law Society’s Access to Justice and Probono Committee, and was previously a member of the Queensland Law Society’s Future Leaders Committee as an advocate for early career lawyers practicing in rural, regional and remote Queensland. Mathai completed his Bachelor of Laws degree from JCU and is proud to be associated with the JCU Law School and Law Program.

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