LearnJCU LearnJCU Help Guides PebblePad - ePortfolios
PebblePad ePortfolios
- Future Students
- JCU Global Experience
- International Students
- Open Day
- How to apply
- Pathways to university
- Virtual Open Day
- Living on Campus
- Courses
- Publications
- Scholarships
- JCU Families
- JCU Heroes Programs
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in Marine Science
- Elite Athletes
- Defence
- Current Students
- Updates to JCU Email Security
- New students
- JCU Orientation
LearnJCU Help Guides
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- Assessment Advice
- Class Conversations
- Collaborate - Online Classes
- Discussion Boards
- Group Conversations
- Help in LearnJCU
- LearnJCU Calendar
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- Mobile Learning Apps
- PebblePad - ePortfolios
- Respondus FAQs for Students
- Respondus - Online Exams
- Studiosity
- Troubleshooting Access
- Video Assignment Submissions
- Videos in LearnJCU
- Welcome Page in LearnJCU
- Learning Online
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LearnJCU Help Guides
- Placements
- Unicare Centre and Unicampus Kids
- Graduation
- Off-Campus Students
- JCU Job Ready
- Safety and Wellbeing
- JCU Prizes
- Professional Experience Placement
- Employability Edge
- Art of Academic Writing
- Art of Academic Editing
- Careers and Employability
- Student Equity and Wellbeing
- Career Ready Plan
- Careers at JCU
- Partners and Community
- Alumni
- About JCU
- Reputation and Experience
- Chancellery
- Governance
- Celebrating 50 Years
- Academy
- Indigenous Engagement
- Education Division
- Graduate Research School
- Research and Teaching
- Research Division
- Research and Innovation Services
- College of Business, Law and Governance
- College of Healthcare Sciences
- College of Medicine and Dentistry
- College of Science and Engineering
- Anthropological Laboratory for Tropical Audiovisual Research (ALTAR)
- Anton Breinl Research Centre
- Agriculture Technology and Adoption Centre (AgTAC)
- Advanced Analytical Centre
- Aquaculture Solutions
- AusAsian Mental Health Research Group
- Lions Marine Research Trust
- Australian Tropical Herbarium
- Australian Quantum & Classical Transport Physics Group
- Boating and Diving
- Clinical Psychedelic Research Lab
- Centre for Tropical Biosecurity
- Centre for Tropical Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology
- Centre for Disaster Solutions
- Cyclone Testing Station
- The Centre for Disaster Studies
- Daintree Rainforest Observatory
- Fletcherview
- JCU Eduquarium
- JCU Turtle Health Research
- Language and Culture Research Centre
- Orpheus
- JCU Ideas Lab
- eResearch
- Indigenous Education and Research Centre
- Past Course and Subject Handbooks
- Estate
- Work Health and Safety
- Staff
- Discover Nature at JCU
- Cyber Security Hub
- Association of Australian University Secretaries
- Services and Resources Division
- Environmental Research Complex [ERC]
- Foundation for Australian Literary Studies
- Gender Equity Action and Research
- Give to JCU
- Indigenous Legal Needs Project
- Inherent Requirements
- IsoTropics Geochemistry Lab
- IT Services
- JCU Webinars
- JCU Events
- JCU Motorsports
- JCU Sport
- Library
- Mabo Decision: 30 years on
- Marine Geophysics Laboratory
- Office of the Vice Chancellor and President
- Outstanding Alumni
- Planning for your future
- Policy
- Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Rapid Assessment Unit
- Researcher Development Portal
- Roderick Centre for Australian Literature and Creative Writing
- Contextual Science for Tropical Coastal Ecosystems
- State of the Tropics
- Strategic Procurement
- Student profiles
- SWIRLnet
- TropEco for Staff and Students
- TQ Maths Hub
- TUDLab
- VAVS Home
- WHOCC for Vector-borne & NTDs
- Media
- Copyright and Terms of Use
- Australian Institute of Tropical Health & Medicine
- JCU Respect
- Pay review
We refer to ePortfolios as an electronically stored collection of experiences, achievements, and artefacts, together with the reflections of one's learning.
An ePortfolio may assist you with personal development by providing a single, organised repository.
ePortfolios can assist you, to:
- Develop a holistic overview of your learning, experiences, development and beyond individual subjects and classes
- Understand your learning and experience in terms of graduate attributes and employability skills
- Extract evidence to represent your earning and achievements, for example, to develop selection criteria responses
- Identify skill gaps through review and reflection on your ePortfolio content, and
- Plan and set personal development targets.
ePortfolios can assist educators
- Gain deeper more rounded insight into your understanding, and
- Enable the provision of rich individualised academic advice.
PebblePad is an ePortfolio tool available to all staff and students via LearnJCU.
It provides a personal learning space for students to organise, share and present records of learning and experience in the form of an ePortfolio, as well as, a continuous record of development as learners and professionals.
Educators can create resources, such as:
- Structured forms (templates)
- Workbooks (collections of templates).
Students can then create:
- ePortfolios as part of the assessment for that subject (e.g. clinical placement, work integration learning, course learning outcomes and graduate attributes).
Pebble+ is the Personal Learning Space that provides students with space to record and make sense of learning experiences, both academic and personal. Records of learning become assets which can be combined in personalised presentations such as an e-portfolio to reflect growth, knowledge and capability over time.
ATLAS is the part of PebblePad used for organising and supporting assessment and feedback. It can be used by teachers to organise students into groups, provide resources for completing assessment tasks, set up Assignments where students can submit their work and provide informal and formal feedback on submitted assets.
- An asset is anything you create in Pebble+ or upload to Pebble+
- Assets are typically records of student learning, achievements or aspirations
- Assets can be tagged with keywords to make them searchable and discoverable
- They can be structured (e.g. plans, experiences, reflections, talents) or freeform (e.g. posts)
- Can be collected and presented for a particular purpose (eg. employment e-portfolio)
- Can be private, shared with others, or shared with the world (published to the web).
- Are fillable web pages (templates) or collections of fillable web pages (workbooks) built to support a particular learning task
- Templates and workbooks are typically created by teachers and made available to students to complete over time as a record of learning development and achievement (eg. clinical placement log).
- A space created when a LearnJCU subject site is linked to PebblePad
- Used for managing students’ PebblePad activity in a subject
- Used for making resources available to students to support a particular activity
- Used for viewing submitted assessment, giving feedback and grading.
- Accessible only to its managers and members.