RDIM Terminology
- Future Students
- JCU Global Experience
- International Students
- Open Day
- How to apply
- Pathways to university
- Virtual Open Day
- Living on Campus
- Courses
- Publications
- Scholarships
- Parents and Partners
- JCU Heroes Programs
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in Marine Science
- Elite Athletes
- Defence
- Current Students
- New students
- JCU Orientation
- LearnJCU
- Placements
- Unicare Centre and Unicampus Kids
- Graduation
- Off-Campus Students
- JCU Job Ready
- Safety and Wellbeing
- JCU Prizes
- Professional Experience Placement
- Employability Edge
- Art of Academic Writing
- Art of Academic Editing
- Careers and Employability
- Student Equity and Wellbeing
- Career Ready Plan
- Careers at JCU
- Partners and Community
- JCU-CSIRO Partnership
- Alumni
- About JCU
- Reputation and Experience
- Chancellery
- Governance
- Celebrating 50 Years
- Academy
- Indigenous Engagement
- Education Division
- Graduate Research School
- Research and Teaching
- Research Division
- Research and Innovation Services
- College of Business, Law and Governance
- College of Healthcare Sciences
- College of Medicine and Dentistry
- College of Science and Engineering
- Anthropological Laboratory for Tropical Audiovisual Research (ALTAR)
- Anton Breinl Research Centre
- Agriculture Technology and Adoption Centre (AgTAC)
- Advanced Analytical Centre
- Aquaculture Solutions
- AusAsian Mental Health Research Group
- Area 61
- Lions Marine Research Trust
- Australian Tropical Herbarium
- Australian Quantum & Classical Transport Physics Group
- Boating and Diving
- Clinical Psychedelic Research Lab
- Centre for Tropical Biosecurity
- Centre for Tropical Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology
- Centre for Disaster Solutions
- Cyclone Testing Station
- The Centre for Disaster Studies
- Daintree Rainforest Observatory
- JCU Eduquarium
- JCU Turtle Health Research
- Language and Culture Research Centre
- Orpheus
- JCU Ideas Lab
- eResearch
- Indigenous Education and Research Centre
- Estate
- Work Health and Safety
- Staff
- Discover Nature at JCU
- Cyber Security Hub
- Association of Australian University Secretaries
- Services and Resources Division
- Environmental Research Complex [ERC]
- Foundation for Australian Literary Studies
- Gender Equity Action and Research
- Give to JCU
- Indigenous Legal Needs Project
- Inherent Requirements
- IsoTropics Geochemistry Lab
- IT Services
- JCU Webinars
- JCU Events
- JCU Motorsports
- JCU Sport
- Library
- Mabo Decision: 30 years on
- Marine Geophysics Laboratory
- Office of the Vice Chancellor and President
- Outstanding Alumni
- Pharmacy Full Scope
- Planning for your future
- Policy
- Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Rapid Assessment Unit
- Introduction
- RDIM Overview
- My Responsibilities
- Research Data JCU Platform
- Step 1 - Plan
- Step 2 - Manage
- Step 3 - Archive
- Step 4 - Publish
- Step 5 - Reuse
- Step 6 - Review
- Step 7 - Dispose
- Access Conditions (Open, Conditional, Restricted)
- Active Data
- Active Storage and Collaboration Options
- Citations
- Collaborator
- Completed Data
- Conditional Access
- Confidentiality
- Consent
- Contracts
- Copyright
- Creative Commons Licence
- Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
- Custodian
- Custodianship
- Data
- Data Creator
- Data Custodian
- Data Manager
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
- Data Package
- Data Papers
- Data Publication
- Data Record
- Data Repositories
- Data Retention
- Data Storage - Active Data or Working Data
- Data Storage - Completed Data
- Data Visualisation
- Data Wrangling (Cleaning)
- De-identifying Data
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
- DIKW Model
- DOI Minting Services
- Embargo
- Ethics and Ethical Clearance
- FAIR Data Principles
- File Formats
- File Names
- Folder Structures
- HDR Candidate
- Information
- Intellectual Property
- JCU Researcher
- Lead Investigator
- Licensing Data
- Metadata
- Moral Rights
- Open Access
- Primary Advisor
- Primary Materials
- Privacy and Personal Information
- Repositories
- Research Data
- Research (Data and Information) Asset
- Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle
- Research Data JCU Platform
- Research Data Management Plan (RDMP)
- Research Information
- Research Project
- Restricted Access
- Retention
- Retention Rules for Specific Data Types
- Sensitive Data
- Storage
- Supporting Documents
- Triangulation, Data Linkage and Integrating Authorities
- Version Control
- Working Data
- Wrangling (Cleaning) Data
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Information Sheets
- Training Videos
- Site Map
- Contact Us
- Researcher Development Portal
- Roderick Centre for Australian Literature and Creative Writing
- Contextual Science for Tropical Coastal Ecosystems
- State of the Tropics
- Strategic Procurement
- Student profiles
- SWIRLnet
- TropEco for Staff and Students
- TQ Maths Hub
- TUDLab
- VAVS Home
- WHOCC for Vector-borne & NTDs
- Media
- Copyright and Terms of Use
- Australian Institute of Tropical Health & Medicine
- Pay review
This section provides an alphabetical listing of some of the terminology used in managing research data and information along with the meaning and/or application of these terms.
Click on the letter to see the definitions starting with that letter.
Under Australia’s FAIR Access Policy Statement, all publicly funded research outputs must follow the FAIR principles.
The FAIR Principles have been developed to make research more visible and to allow researchers to more easily collaborate and maximise the return on investment in research and innovation. The acronym stands for:
- Findable
- Data can be more findable by: properly describing what the data is; putting it in a permanent and easily searchable place; and making it easy for humans and computers to search for it.
- Accessible
- Data can be more accessible by: using non-proprietary, standardised and automated methods to supply the data to those who want or need it; letting others know how they can get the data; and letting others know if the data is no longer available.
- Interoperable
- Data can be more interoperable by: storing and providing the data in widely-used and accessible file formats; describing the data using standard terms (vocabularies) that are relevant and widely known; and describing if it relates to other data and what exactly that relationship is.
- Reusable
- Data can be more reusable by: making it clear how the data was collected or if there are validity concerns; making any conditions of reuse clear in license readable to humans and machines; and meeting the standards used within the relevant research community.
A file format is the structure of a file that tells a program how to display its contents e.g., Microsoft Word documents are saved in the .docx format.
Researchers may need to use different file formats at different stages in the Research (Data and Management) Asset Lifecycle but for long-term preservation, files will need to be stored in a durable format. This ensures they can be opened by future users, perhaps long after the research project has concluded. Where possible, it is recommended to:
- Formats endorsed by standards agencies such as Standards Australia, ISO
- Open formats developed and maintained by communities of interest such as OpenDocument Format
- Lossless formats
- Formats widely used within a given discipline
- Proprietary formats
- File format and software obsolescence
Researchers may need to use software that does not save data in a durable format due to discipline-specific or other requirements e.g. specialised programs to capture or generate data. In these circumstances, data needs to be exported to a more durable format such as plain text (if this can be done without losing data integrity) and included alongside the original files when archiving e.g. export .csv files from SPSS (with value labels) and archive them alongside the .sav files.
Some examples of preferred formats for data archiving are:
- CSV OR Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) AND OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods)
- Plain text (.txt) OR Word document (.docx) AND Rich text (.rtf), PDF/A or OpenDocument Text (.odt)
- Geospatial data: ESRI shapefile (.shp, .shx, .dbf), Geo-referenced TIFF (.tif) and ESRI ASCII Grid (.asc)
- Image files: lossless formats (.tif or .raw) preferred
- Video: MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Audio: Free Lossless Audio Codec (.flac)
The UK Data Service maintains a list of recommended and acceptable formats for agencies, researchers and others depositing social, economic and population data in their collection.
Software and file formats:
The choice of software directly influences the resulting file formats. Documenting the software and equipment used in your data creation, collection, and analysis is essential for transparency and enabling the reproducibility of your research workflows. This information can be added to the Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) in Research Data JCU, and automatically populates the metadata in associated archival Data Records and Data Publications.
Packaged files can be used for archiving large collections of heterogenous datasets with some provisos:
- Use archives with extensions .zip or .tar
- Zip the data without any data compression
- If possible, avoid encrypting the files for archiving (noting that encryption may be entirely appropriate for active data or data inputs, where ethical or legal obligations require this)
- Be aware that very large packages may be difficult to open from a browser. Some repositories recommend packages of less than 2GB
- Avoid long path lengths in your folder structure. Long file names combined with a detailed folder hierarchy may lead to path lengths exceeding 256 characters. This hampers further processing in Windows and WinZip cannot unpack such containers.
We strongly recommend you package (zip) your files when you upload them to Research Data JCU if you have a large number of files and/or to preserve your folder structure. Dragging and dropping folders via the built in widget will add individual files as attachments but it will not upload the folders.
File names are frequently overlooked, but are key to locating and retrieving files efficiently, especially for complex or collaborative projects.
Adopting a consistent, logical and descriptive file naming convention is good practice and will assist with data analyses and re-use.
Abbreviations and codes can be used, providing they are clear and uniformly applied. If necessary include a README.txt file in the directory (folder) that explains the naming format and any abbreviations or codes used.
File names can include information such as:
- Project or experiment name or acronym
- Researcher name/initials
- Year or date of experiment
- Location/spatial coordinates
- Data type
- File version number
The formatting of file names, file paths and field names (in databases) is very important. Poorly formatted names affect readability and can cause compatibility and processing issues i.e. when sharing data files across platforms, migrating and backing up data, working with command-line interfaces or scripting languages, web servers or URLs.
You should avoid:
- special characters such as
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ` ; < > ? , [ ] { } ' ‘|
While there are differences between the Windows and MacOS operating systems (e.g. colons cause problems in Windows and not on Macs) it is advisable to steer clear of special characters; - spaces in file names. Modern systems and applications have become more lenient regarding spaces but best practice is to use underscores (
), dashes (-
), or camel case (e.g. FileName) instead, and to apply them consistently; - lengthy file names. For example, Windows has a 250 character limit for file paths. This includes the local drive prefix e.g. C:\Users\jc*****\OneDrive - James Cook University - so lengthy file names and/or a deep file structure can cause issues.
Some examples:
File Names | Details |
FG1_GP_20230201.docx | Transcript for the first of several focus groups with general practitioners, conducted on February 1 2023 |
Assessment_A024_2023-06-05.mp4 Assessment_A024_Scores_AS.xlsx |
Clinical assessment (video) for adult patient ID 024, recorded June 5 2023; and Evaluation of the clinical assessment by multiple researchers, including Aditya Sharma (AS) |
Syllabus_Chemistry_TextAnalysis_v2.pdf | Descriptive file name. Includes version number |
LifestyleSurvey-Singapore-202309-Shared.csv | Survey results with post codes and occupations removed to prevent re-identification (actions recorded in README.txt) |
20230812-175923-03.tif | Raw data (image) from instrument ID 03 with date and timestamp (HHMMSS) |
Renaming multiple files is onerous but there are bulk renaming utilities that can help, such as:
- For Windows Bulk Rename Utility is free and simple to use. Recommended.
- For Macs try Renamer 4
- Maketecheasier has a few more suggestions for bulk rename utilities for Windows.
Planning for and maintaining a consistent and logical folder structure has many benefits. It can:
- save you time searching for files
- enhance collaboration, as everyone in the team can locate and understand shared materials
- help ensure data integrity by reducing the risk of accidental deletion or misplacement
- allow you to more easily revisit and share your work.
The optimal folder structure will depend on the nature and complexity of your research project and your disciplinary area.
Below is a hypothetical example illustrating the folder structure for a research project based on experiments:
........./2022-Mohammed-JCB-CytonemeSignalling *
*A date (year) in the folder name indicates the paper is published.
Note: only data required to validate your findings (in a publication or thesis) needs to be archived in Research Data JCU via a Data Record.
The UK Data Service also provides general advice on folder structures and notes that it can help to restrict the level of folders to three or four deep, and not to have more than ten items in each list.