RDIM Step 5 - Reuse

Step 5 - Reuse

Requests for access to conditional data were previously referred directly to the researcher. More recently, JCU has implemented a Custodianship Model for Research Data and Information ensuring responsibility for research assets are appropriately managed throughout the entire lifecycle of the research asset including well after the researcher has completed their studies.

Process for Actioning Data Requests

The process below includes data requests for all research and includes both digital and physical (note that the “requestor” may not necessarily know if the data is physical or digital). It may also be possible for research data requests to come through the University’s Deputy Secretary’s office (as a Right to Information request) and will also need to follow this process.

Arrange for the data to be transferred and advise the Requestor of any Licence requirements that need to be applied; and Costs involved in the transfer of data (i.e., these costs will need to be met by the Requester). Update Research Data JCU (Data Record) to reflect data transfer and any changes to data location (if required).

Process for actioning data requests
1RequestorSend a request for access to data by emailing researchdata@jcu.edu.au. Include:
  • What information is being requested; and
  • Reason(s) for the request, i.e. how the data will be used and by whom.

NOTE: Emails received via researchdata@jcu.edu.au are converted to a ServiceNow Request ensuring that each message is logged and monitored.

2Research Data Team
  • Review the request and locate the relevant assets in:
    • Research Data JCU (Data Record and Data Publication); and/or
    • TRIM (physical data)
  • If the records allow for conditional access, forward an email request to the relevant Data Manager.
  • If the records show the data is restricted, advise the Requester accordingly. Go to Step 7.
  • If the Data Manager is no longer employed at JCU, liaise with the Data Custodian to  review custodian role and assigned and update the metadata records with the new Data Manager.
3Data ManagerReview and approve/reject the request.
4Research Data Team
  • On receipt of advice that the data request has NOT been approved, advise the Requestor accordingly and retain the reasons why.
    • Go to step 7.
  • On receipt of advice that the data request HAS been approved:
    • for digital data: go to step 6; and
    • for physical data: email corporateinformation@jcu.edu.au and attach all the above correspondence including the Data Manager's approval for the data request.
5Records Team
  • Review request and retrieve research data assets (Record Item).
  • Liaise with the Research Data team to arrange for the appropriate transfer of the research data assets (update Record Item and Assignee Update in TRIM).
    • This may involve an emailed scanned copy of the data or archive box(es).
6Research Data Team
  • Arrange for the data to be transferred and advise the Requestor of any:
    • Licence requirements that need to be applied; and
    • Costs involved in the transfer of data (i.e., these costs will need to be met by the Requester).
  • Update Research Data JCU (Data Record) to reflect data transfer and any changes to data location (if required).
7Research Data TeamClose out the ServiceNow request.