Graduate Research School Available Projects Marine connectivity across eastern Australian reefs

Marine connectivity across eastern Australian reefs

Title of Project

Marine connectivity across eastern Australian reefs


Dr Kate Quigley (Primary), A/Prof. Alana Grech (Secondary), Dr. Severine Choukroun (Secondary)

College or Research Centre

College of Science & Engineering

Summary of Project

Coral colonies are fixed to the reef benthos, but during their early life as mobile larvae, they can disperse far distances, shaping the connectivity and genetic diversity of coral reefs. Corals host a range of partners, from bacteria to photosynthetic dinoflagellates, which are crucial for coral survival, although little is known about their dispersal in the environment. This research project aims to develop an in-depth understanding of coral dispersal from a hydrodynamic and genetic perspective. Understanding coral reef connectivity and applying this knowledge in management decisions, such as designing marine protected area networks, can be a powerful tool for building resilience.

Key Words

Connectivity; coral reefs; symbiosis

Would suit an applicant who

Given this a PhD project, the candidate will have a relevant BE Honours degree or Masters in marine biology, oceanography or equivalent.

  • International & Australian candidates confirm fulfilment of all admission requirements at JCU PhD Program.
  • Send a CV & cover letter, briefly outline research interests to
  • Prepare to apply for, and secure, an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS), Endeavour Award etc. See the JCU PhD scholarship page for more information.

Updated: 13 Jun 2024