Current Students Assessment and results Grade Point Average (GPA)
Grade Point Average (GPA)
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The Grade Point Average is a calculation of your average grade or result. This can be calculated on a yearly basis, or for your course as a whole. It is calculated on the following basis:
- Each result is assigned a number known as the grade point.
- The higher the result, the higher the corresponding grade point.
How to work out your GPA
You can view your results in eStudent. Click on the 'My Results and Graduation' tab to view your results.
Enter your grades into the calculator as they appear and click on 'Calculate GPA'.
- If you have a KU grade you can ignore this
- If you have an S grade you can ignore this
GPA Calculator
Please enter your total units for each mark, below.
Note: This calculator should be treated as a guide only and is an estimate of your GPA from a 3 credit point value. .
An official academic record can be requested here.
More Information
Grade points for some of the most common results are as follows:
All currently used results and their corresponding grade points
Grade | Grade Point |
HD - High Distinction | 7 |
D - Distinction | 6 |
C - Credit | 5 |
P - Pass | 4 |
PC - Pass Conceded | 3 |
SP - Passed after supplementary examination/assessment | 4 |
N - Fail | 1.5 |
F - Fail (did not meet the passing requirements in a graded subject; or possible outcome under the Academic Misconduct Procedure) | 1.5 |
FW - Fail (withdrew after the prescribed last date for withdrawal without academic penalty) | 1.5 |
X - Fail (did not sit for exam/s or did not complete at least 80% of assessment requirements or withdrew after the prescribed date for withdrawal without an academic penalty or deferred exam not granted) | 0 |
Current results that do not count toward GPA
- AP - Assessment Pending (approval for student to complete outstanding assessment)
- ED - Deferred examination granted
- FSA - Fail (supplementary assessment granted)
- FSE - Fail (supplementary examination granted)
- KU - Interim result for a subject which forms part of a subject chain
- PP - Placement Pending – approval for a student to complete outstanding placement
- RP - Result Pending (finalization required by the College due to but not limited to marking moderation, review of assessment, or academic misconduct.)
- S - Satisfactory (a passing level in an ungraded subject)
- SPA - Special assessment granted
- SPE - Special examination granted
- SS - Satisfactory after sitting a supplementary examination or supplementary assessment (a passing level in an ungraded subject)
- U - Unsatisfactory (failed to reach a passing level in an ungraded subject)
- WD - Withdrawn (withdrew before the prescribed last date for withdrawal without academic penalty) (Administrative process only)
Discontinued results that do not count toward GPA
- AI - Assessment Incomplete (College assessment process is incomplete)
- NSE - Fail (supplementary examination granted)
- NSA - Fail (supplementary assessment granted)
- SU - Unsatisfactory after sitting a supplementary exam (failed to reach a passing level in an ungraded subject)
- RW - Result Withheld (student assessment requirements are outstanding)