My Scholarships

Follow the steps below to accept and view your offered scholarships or bestowed scholarships in eStudent.

Offered scholarships

If you have been made an offer for a JCU Access Fund or Higher Degree Research Scholarships, it will appear on the My Scholarships, Student Scholarship Summary page.

  • Click on the My Scholarships tab to display the Student Scholarship Summary page.
  • Only the above Scholarships that you have been offered will appear in the Offers section (refer to the screenshot below). Scholarship offer statuses are:
    • Offered -  you have not returned your offer response, or your offer response has not yet been processed by JCU. Please note, the offer will expire after the date displayed in the Lapse Date column;
    • Pending Bestowal -  you have accepted your offer and payment is yet to be processed;
    • Declined - you have not accepted your offer;
    • Lapsed - your offer has expired.
  • Select the View button to see more details of your scholarship.

Screenshot showing Offers and View button

  • The Student Scholarship window displays additional details of the offered scholarship such as a description, a start and end date, and the acceptance status (refer to the screenshot below).

Window showing additional Scholarship information.

Bestowed scholarships

Your current JCU Access Fund Scholarship or Bursary, Indigenous Education Scholarship and/or Indigenous Relocations Scholarship or Higher Degree Research scholarships (only) will appear on the My Scholarships, Student Scholarship Summary page.

  • Click on the My Scholarships tab to display the Student Scholarship Summary page.
  • Your scholarships will appear in the Bestowed section. Scholarship bestowal statuses are:
    • Active - you are currently receiving or scheduled to receive payment/s for this scholarship;
    • Sanctioned - you are not currently meeting all scholarship requirements and will not receive payment/s until these requirements have been met;
    • Withdrawn - you are no longer receiving payment (eligible)  for this scholarship;
    • Stopped - you are no longer receiving payments due to not being eligible for the scholarship during the scholarship tenure period.
    • Completed - your scholarship tenure period has ended and payments will no longer be received.
  • Select the View button to see more details of your scholarship (refer to the screenshot below).

Screenshot showing scholarships bestowed table.

  • The Student Scholarship window  displays additional details of your scholarship such as a description, start and end dates, and (if relevant) the date a review will be conducted to ensure you are still meeting the requirements for the scholarship (refer to the screenshot below).

Window showing additional Scholarship information.