Ad-hoc Lecture Capture

An Ad-hoc Recording is created when you manually start/stop a recording in a lecture capture equipped room.

In most cases, if you have a timetable scheduled lecture in a lecture capture equipped room, then low-touch lecture capture will be activated and recording will be automated. However, if you do not see the green light come on you may have to opt for an ad-hoc lecture capture. If it is red, contact the Videoconferencing and Audio-Visual Services.

Making an ad-hoc recording

  1. Turn on the AV System at the lectern
  2. Select your inputs; the main projector will be captured as slides and the presenter's camera as video

To start an ad-hoc recording

From off (no light colour), press centre of the button with the palm of your hand, maintain pressure until the light turns green.

green light

Green light = Recording in progress

Let students know if a recording is taking place by drawing their attention to the recording light and informing them that green means a recording is in progress.

Note: The recording light is also the control button.

To stop an ad-hoc recording, from on (green light colour), press centre of the button with the palm of your hand, maintain pressure until the light turns off.

Pause instructions

Yellow light

Yellow light = Recording is paused

To pause, press centre of the button with the palm of your hand, wait for 2 seconds, and then release. Light should change to yellow.

To resume the recording repeat the button press process. Light should change to green. Ad-hoc recordings

Note: Recordings are still captured when paused but will automatically be edited.

Once you have recorded the ad-hoc, you will need to fill out a form request to have it added to your nominated subject video library.

  1. Complete the Ad-hoc request form
  2. Your request will be processed by the Learning Environments team
  3. A notification via ServiceNow will be sent when your recording is made available in your subject's video library

Ad-hoc request form

  • Ad-hoc recordings have a maximum recording time of 60 minutes per session. You can start a new ad-hoc recording to extend the session if needed.
  • Ad-hoc recordings are usually made available within 48 hours but this time period may extend in busy periods
  • Unclaimed Ad-hoc recordings are only stored for thirty days after they are recorded
  • If a recording is not manually stopped it could become so large in size that it is irretrievable
  • VAVS are there to support you in teaching spaces within the Cairns and Townsville campuses
  • Check your audio levels on the AV system (if equipped) to ensure sound is being captured correctly
  • Using an in-room lapel or roving microphone will improve audio quality

No colour

User-added image


User-added image


User-added image


User-added image


The Remote Recorder is off.


The Remote Recorder is Recording.


The Remote Recorder is Paused.


The Remote Recorder is Disconnected.

For more information visit Video Capture Guidelines

Advice for students

A presentation "How we are using Lecture Capture (PPTX, 796 KB)" has been created, please feel free to adapt it and use it to introduce Lecture Capture to your students. The last slide includes a link to a great guide for students by Nordmann et al. (2018), it tells students how they can use Lecture Capture effectively for learning.