EDQS TEL Design Subject Design

Standards for Blended and Online Subject Design

Blended learning refers to the purposeful combination of face-to-face and online activities designed to optimise student engagement and the achievement of learning outcomes. The design of the blend will vary according to intended outcomes, student needs, context, discipline, mode of delivery and whole-of-course considerations. Blended subjects may be offered in internal, limited, block or placement/work experience modes. Subjects may also be offered fully online in external mode. Standards for Blended and Online Subject Design apply regardless of mode of delivery.

These Standards for Blended and Online Subject Design can be used as a guide to subject design or as a reflection tool for quality assurance. They set a threshold level at which all students are provided with a purposefully designed curriculum, opportunities for interaction with peers and staff, and appropriate and explicit support. A glossary is provided to clarify terms. Other key informing documents are the JCU Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy and the JCU Blended Learning Policy.

List of the 8 standards in Blended Learning

Click the image above to download the Standards for Blended Learning and Online Design [PDF]
